Update on The Red Wheel in English

Progress in completing the publication of The Red Wheel—Solzhenitsyn’s epic of the Russian Revolution—is proceeding slowly but surely. Readers are reminded that there was an unfortunate, tremendous lull after the 1989 publication of Node I and the 1999 publication of Node II. Once a new translator (Marian Schwartz) and publisher (University of Notre Dame Press) took on the task to bring out the remainder of the book in English, a new book of Node III (March 1917, itself consisting of four books) has come out every other autumn since 2017, i.e. in 2017, 2019, 2021. Book 4 is slated for October 2024, completing Node III, and thereafter the two books of Node IV (April 1917) will follow in due course.

We remind Solzhenitsyn readers of the overall sequence of the 10-volume Red Wheel: