A Reflection on the 40th Anniversary of Solzhenitsyn's Harvard Address

In the May/June 2018 issue of Touchstone, L. Joseph Letendre reflects on the legacy of Solzhenitsyn's commencement address, "A World Split Apart", to Harvard graduates in 1978. 

Solzhenitsyn’s passing remark… that universities were becoming as much a slave to intellectual/political fashion as the press had become has only grown more pertinent.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's Commencement Address at Harvard University-8 June 1978. {Russian audio with English-translation audio overlay.} . Full Russian text here: http://antology.igrunov.ru/authors/solzh/1121759601.htmlю . Full English text here: www.solzhenitsyncenter.org/a-world-split-apart